We designed the original Farmers Boy chilled fresh food production facility on the Bradford site in 1996. Since then, we have assisted with its incredible expansion via extensions and internal alterations, so it now covers an impressive 17,650 sq.m. and employs 2,500 staff. We are retained as lead designer because of our technical skills in this field and our dedication to understanding evolving processes. By increasing efficiencies in essential areas, Morrisons can offer additional product lines whilst maintaining continuous output.
Expansion work has included the north factory extension, which involved internal alteration works to the pie department, an office extension, and other modifications to facilitate new lines. The south factory extension through-puts 7000 quiches per hour on a single manufacturing line, which takes the product from an uncooked start to a packaged finish.
Our latest project is a Waste to Energy installation, which utilises the by-products of the manufacturing process elsewhere in the business to avoid waste. The new plant provides enough power and heat for the whole factory/site.
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