New £20m+ offsite Northampton school nearing completion

Work is progressing well at our new Department for Education MMC1 framework school project with Algeco UK for Northampton School. All of the platform modules have now been installed, alongside the hybrid construction of the sports and assembly/dining halls.

The project, which is due to be completed this summer, includes natural and artificial outdoor sports facilities. Utilising the latest design software and production techniques, we’ve seen this major offsite project develop in the factory at close quarters. Over 200 units have been transported past our Loughborough Studio from Algeco’s production facility in East Yorkshire.

We’re looking forward to seeing another completed project in the East Midlands very soon. Particular thanks to our project lead Andrew Glasby and our project team including Regional Director Richard Crowson, Learning Sector Director Mark Sidding, Eleanor Robinson, Philip Guest and Neil Murray.


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