As architects we design for the best possible environmental outcomes on every project, helping clients define what Net Zero Carbon means for their scheme.
As a business, our corporate behaviours must reflect the same commitment to meeting the low carbon agenda, so we have implemented a strategy to reduce our company’s footprint.
Using the accounting standards and guidance provided by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), we are reviewing Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from both our offices, i.e., direct emissions from fuel consumption, and indirect emissions from our electricity and heating needs. This is providing a valuable benchmark from which we can progress.
As part of our Route to 2026 initiative, we have committed to achieving the internationally recognised Planet Mark Business Certification.
Planet Mark provides its users with structured support in carbon data analysis verification, which helps companies devise meaningful annual improvement targets for emission cuts, operational efficiencies, and cost savings. By reporting our current carbon footprint on Planet Mark’s data platform, we can actively demonstrate our company’s transparency, establish our benchmark settings, and map out credible annual improvement targets through to 2026 and beyond.
In 2006, we delivered our multi-storey offices in Leeds as an exemplar in sustainable design. Won by in-house competition, the selected design presented a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate our fabric first approach and evaluate the potential of new technology, such as the ground source heat pump.
To maximise the efficiency of the geothermal heating and cooling system, we adopted passive thermal strategies. We installed high levels of insulation, used robust detailing to avoid cold bridges, orientated the building to maximise solar gain and sun shading, and harnessed stack-effect thermal movement. A greywater recovery system reduces our freshwater consumption.
The result is a comfortable, functional, and flexible working space within a striking building that is gentler on the environment. It was awarded a Green Apple Award in 2007. Launched in 1994, the Green Apple Environment Awards is a popular annual campaign that recognises, rewards, and promotes environmental best practice around the world.
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