
Kamila Kudlata

BA (Hons) MArch RIBA

“Architects must adapt to a constantly changing world.”

I joined Watson Batty in 2021.

I am an architectural assistant pursuing my final professional exams, using mentor support and relevant experience on schemes in the education, logistics, and later living and care sectors.

As a young child, I was fascinated by the details on local buildings, gradually becoming more interested in how architecture combines the arts and sciences, uniting creativity with advanced technical skills. It’s fascinating how design has the power to alter the reaction of our senses in different environments – it can stimulate a deeply rooted gut reaction.


Our profession must keep up with fast-paced technological advances and play a central role in refining construction techniques, such as modular. Instead of carbon-hungry demolition and new build, we should thoroughly investigate the potential of renovation to transform an existing structure to meet a client’s needs.


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